What Are The Seven Noahide Laws?

Photo by Stainless Images on Unsplash

The Seven Noahide Laws are laws that were given to Noah and his descendants after the Flood. Any Gentile who accepts and follows these laws because God commanded them in the Torah will merit a portion in the World To Come.

The Seven Noahide Laws are:

1. No Idolatry (Increasing One’s Knowledge of the One True God)

2. No Blasphemy (Respecting God’s Holy Name)

3. No Murder (Respecting the sanctity of human life)

4. No Forbidden Relations (Respecting the traditional family)

5. No Theft (Respecting the property of other people)

6. No Animal Cruelty (Respecting all creatures)

7. Establish Courts of Justice (Upholding righteousness in your judicial system)

These laws are detailed in “The Divine Code” by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, an explanation of the details of the Seven Noahide Laws and their sources in Torah and Talmud.



The Noahide Blogger

I am a Noahide living in Chicago. This is a blog about how to live a Noahide life.