May A Noahide Be A Vegan / Vegetarian?

The Noahide Blogger
1 min readMar 12, 2021
Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash

Over the past several decades, veganism and vegetarianism have been on the rise worldwide. Today, vegans and vegetarians make up approximately 14% of the world population. In relation to the Seven Noahide Commandments, may a Noahide be a vegan / vegetarian?

The only commandment Gentiles have regarding dietary restrictions is the commandment not to eat meat that was taken from a living animal, and not to eat blood (Genesis 9:4). Though God permitted humans to eat meat after the Flood (Genesis 9:3), eating meat is not a commandment. Therefore, it is permitted for a Gentile to adopt a vegan or vegetarian diet, for health, ethical or personal reasons.

Part of the Noahide Commandment to refrain from animal cruelty involves not causing any living creature unnecessary suffering. Unfortunately, many modern practices of factory farming involve confinement and methods of slaughter that cause pain and suffering to animals before they are killed for food. Choosing to eat less (or no) meat, and/or researching the products that you buy and how the animals were raised and treated, is an excellent way to uphold this commandment. Reducing or eliminating meat consumption is a better choice for one’s health, the environment and the life and health of animals.



The Noahide Blogger

I am a Noahide living in Chicago. This is a blog about how to live a Noahide life.